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Permaculture Weekend at the Klimagarten
11. November 2023 @ 09:30 - 12. November 2023 @ 16:30
Description of the event:
Permies and future permies welcome! As this year slowly draws to an end, we find ourselves in a more than ever need for sustainable alternatives, for ourselves as individuals, but more importantly for our ecosystems and communities.
Enter permaculture, a functional method of design for the creation of sustainable natural and social systems. Through permaculture we learn how to better interact and understand the language and workings of Nature, so that we can begin working with it rather than against it, when we are designing anything, from a plot of land, a house, a company, a community, and of course, a garden.
What to expect
On the second weekend of November, the Klima Garten is organizing a 2-day introduction to permaculture, with the scope of exploring the principles of permaculture and its methods of design, and how these can be applied in all aspects of our day-to-day life. There will be practical activities in the afternoons, in which we will learn about soil structure, the process of creating compost, designing a herb spiral from scratch, and many more. A detailed outline of the weekend will be provided after registration for the event.
Important: The event will be held in English, but translation in German of some of the concepts and tools may be provided upon request.
No prior knowledge of permaculture is required to participate!
The event starts at 9:30 and ends at 16:30 on both days.
Participation to this event is donation based. Our minimum recommended donation is 30 euro for the weekend and 15 euro for one day.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are included. We encourage everyone to bring and share their own food with everyone else.
Registration for the event
Kindly fill out the Google Form provided below to receive all further details about the event.
You can also find the event on Facebook: https://fb.me/e/6VeVvD2RV
About the facilitator
Cantemir Păcuraru is a permaculture designer from Romania, who received his certification in 2022 at the Permaculture Research Institute in Australia, coordinated by Geoff Lawton. For one and a half years, Cantemir has been living as a resident at Ermitaj Malin, one of the largest permaculture demonstration sites in Romania, where he participated in the daily life of the project. His focuses in permaculture include systems science, passive house design, mushrooms, and socio-legal structures.
Cantemir has been in the teaching profession for over 7 years, specialised in the field of International Law and non-formal legal education, and has taken this experience into permaculture in the form of facilitating events and workshops related to ecological thinking and acting.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to Cantemir on the following email address: cantemirpacuraru@gmail.com
About the Klimagarten
The Klimagarten at the University of Tübingen was set up in 2012 as an initiative for sustainable development by students from various disciplines. It serves as a learning place for a regenerative city of the future and for climate-friendly urban self-sufficiency with fresh food.
The garden is open to anyone interested as an experimental, learning and meeting space. There is an active community garden group who meets regularly. Our composition changes often, but a small, fixed core has existed since 2013. When there are larger events in the garden, everyone comes along and helps out. People who are interested often and spontaneously come along on such occasions, which we are always happy about.
Useful links
What is Permaculture
Permaculture Research Institute of Australia